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"The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in the world." - Thomas Shadell.

Life is a marathon not a 100 metres dash. A marathon is a long-distant race. It is a long and often trying journey. A marathon is not so much a race competing against other people as a race against yourself. It's a race testing commitment, training, mental toughness and endurance. The emphasis in a marathon therefore is endurance. 

Endurance involves determination, dedication, discipline, patience and persistence. We live in a "now" generation where rushing has become a way of life. Its almost an art. Speed is the order of the day, even though there are warning signs every where telling us that speed kills. Patience to many is a virtue to be discarded. 

The modern man's dream is having what he wants right now without having to go through a lot of "inconveniences" to get it. People are always looking out for painless shortcuts and cheap discounts to the price of success. Those who succeed are not those whose bed of roses have no thorns. They succeeded because they persevered. They succeeded because they remembered to add the ingredient of patience. 

A Dutch proverb says, "handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains." Any worthwhile project requires considerable time between planting and harvest. You cannot hurry the harvest. You can't sow and reap the same day. 

All the farmer does after playing his part is to watch and wait. Waiting is not easy but if you can't wait you will arrive your destiny too late. 

Even bad habits require patience and persistence to acquire. We are told that the first few cigarettes one smokes taste awful. But because smoking is a goal, the smoker endures the pain and disciplines himself to practice, drill and rehearse. Before long, he/she smokes with confidence and competence. Soon it becomes a habit. 

Successful people have a strong steady persistent purpose running through them. They don't just look for "instant" and "microwave" results. They fight hard because they know that to receive something without a price lowers its personal worth and value. 

Very little has ever been accomplished without patience. Trouble is about the only thing you get in hurry. Success on the fast lane does not always last long. A little patience is all you need to see you through. 

"The greatest assassins of dreams is haste, the desire to reach things before the right time" - John Mason. 

Don't hurry the harvest. Speed kills. 

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